
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's That Time of Year Again....

If you've known me longer than say...a minute, then you know September is one of my favorite months. Fall begins not when the weather cools or the colors change but rather when Fashion Week arrives. As is my tradition for several years now, I tailgate fashion week (so to speak) by watching the documentary "The September Issue" while thumbing thru, of course, the September issue. Naturally. You may remember last year when I blogged about winning a signed edition of Vogue Editor's Eye for guessing the correct number of pages in the September 2012 issue of Vogue prior to its release. You could say I'm a bit of an addict.  I was subsequently offered a membership with Conde Nast Style Society (a Vogue subsidiary) which I shamefully do not participate in like I should, but proudly own the membership. I know, I know...if you stop by my cake studio on most days and find me in a hoodie sweatshirt with leggings and crocs you would find it hard to believe that I do in fact follow fashion - seems wrong to throw batter around and sweat in Gucci. It is what it is. This week I found myself laid up with a nasty little bug - you know the kind, fever/chills/body aches. But as is my modus operandi,  I don't sit still very well so while "resting" in my comfy pj's and in my favorite perch - my bed - I took the opportunity to not only send drug induced emails but to begin my annual fall tradition as well. After all, fashion week is literally just around the corner and this girl believes in standing by ritual....pajama's and all....