
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First OKC Thunderstorm

My blog is undergoing yet another makeover. The name will remain the same, but finding time to redo the layout and header are proving difficult. Amongst the mountain of cardboard boxes, four kids and the professor, I'm brewing extra pots of coffee and taking lots of deep breaths. In business news, I finally found the perfect bakery space and - if all proceeds smoothly - we will be rocking and rolling by fall. A slightly later date than I anticipated, but as the saying goes...good things come to those who wait. I'm terribly excited and a little overwhelmed with everything there is to do.....making it necessary to spend some days simply playing in the rain. One of the things we have missed so much about OK (aside from the dry heat and glorious wind) are the rain-showers and thunderstorms. My baby had not experienced such a thunder shower before and though we probably shouldn't have been outside during one (bad mommy award is waiting for me) I couldn't resist letting him stomp around a little on the patio. Each time the thunder rolled my little sweetie-pie ran behind my back and hide his face. That boy is precious. Here are a few shots we captured from his first OK rain-shower....