
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fearless Women

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 
2Timothy 1:6-8

 I recently received something exciting in the mail!

 I am thrilled about this book for many reasons!

First, I am thrilled because of the truth it teaches.

It is about love and how love makes us fearless women! I John 4:18 teaches that

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”
Fearless is a collection of stories about women who like all of us have faced fear. By sharing their stories with us, they express the great truth that God’s love casts out fear. When women repent of sin and trust in Christ, the love they experience transforms their lives. Christ’s love teaches us that He can be trusted. His love enables us to depend on Him for strength to do daily tasks and for peace during heart-rending grief.

Eighteen women share their story in Fearless. I love the Table of Contents, because it shows the names of real-life women who have experienced the fear-casting perfect love of Christ!

Second, I am thrilled about the reason the editors published this book. 

Fearless encourages women who read it to also tell their story. The Last chapter entitled Your Story  states,

“We all have a story. And we invite you to join us in the sharing. There can be healing and overflowing joy in the telling. For as we tell our story of broken fear, we remember the story of Perfect Love – Love that writes His story in our lives and gives us courage to speak out.”

The third reason I am thrilled about this book is the editors!

 Fearless  is edited by my sister and her dear friend!

And, reason number four that I am thrilled:

The photos in Fearless are ones that I took when I visited my sister’s farm last summer! My sister lives on a beautiful piece of land in upper New York. I had a wonderful time visiting her and was pleased to capture memories with my camera. I am blessed and honored that the editors chose to use those captured memories in Fearless.

You can own your own copy of Fearless by ordering it here.

You can share your story by emailing the editors at