
Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Day in the Life of...Part I

I field a fair amount of questions regarding our day-to-day life and I admit, I would be curious too if I knew someone with this amount of crazy going on. The business, the blog, the four kids, the homeschooling, the husband's crazy schedule, no family within a 150 miles - one could justifiably say that I might be headed to the sanitarium at any moment. My one request is (and always has been) that my straight jacket be pink on that glorious day when "they" come to take me away. I've always liked a good buckle.
At any rate, here is a little peak into a typical day at Casa de Howard. Full of cuteness and lots of dirt. Curiosity and crazy - oh the adjectives could go on and on, so many would be appropriate.
Sometimes we get a little curious in the office -
Occasionally we find half eaten crackers where we least expect it (tub of baby wipes) -
We build things in the back yard -

We climb trees -


 We share the living room with the local speedway -
We get very...VERY dirty -

Too many times we play in the water -

But at the end of the day, the bath water washes it all way and the snuggles are the best -

About half-way thru this post, loading all the pictures, I realized we'll have to split this installment of "A Day in the Life..." into two, possibly three posts. Too many pictures and so many little people. Stay tuned for a later post and we'll delve in to chore charts and juvenile labor. Such a tight ship around here...ha!