
Monday, July 20, 2009

A Little Selfishness

I design cakes for clients every single week. Sometimes, I'm a little envious when the creations leave my kitchen. They're awfully cute, a lot of work and every once in a while...I want one all to myself! I decided this past weekend that I was going to put the same painstaking effort into a cake just for me. Colors I like, a theme that I like, a design I want, yes a cake all for me. Something that makes me happy when I see it. I like bright colors. Visit my house and you'll find bright green kitchen walls and a big, red, comfy sofa. I made MY cake bright. When I was finished its brightness almost seemed a bit obnoxious, but I like it and it's mine all mine. Strategically, I made it small so I can avoid a little guilt when I eat the entire thing.

Though I am quite the chocoholic, when it comes to cake, I like vanilla or strawberry cake...I couldn't decide what to make, so I made a layer of each. No plain buttercream in the center for me, I'll take bright purple all fairness I should take a picture of my pretty purple teeth, but I'll let you use your imagination.